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Buy Transponders/Subscriptions
Purchase a transponder or activation at the best prices from us on eBay. If you purchased a transponder at any motocross race last season your transponder may need to be reactivated for it to work in the upcoming racing season.
All MYLAPS flex transponders have an expiration date. Flex transponders are easily identified by a white bottom. Classic transponders with a black bottom never expire. All X2 transponders(gray in color) and TR2 (silver in color) have expiration dates.
Click here to pay with a card for rentals at any race we are at. This site is for pick up at the track only. For purchasing items shipped to you please check below for the link to our eBay store. Once your payment is made you can go to the eScore location at the track to pick up your equipment. Simply go to the trailer and give the riders name and we will hand you your equipment.
Have you ever been watching a race and wondered how close your racers lap times are to the leaders? Compare your racer to anyone on the track as the race is unfolding by texting a bike number to see the lap time instantly. Keep up with a racers lap times and positions when they cross the finish line by subscribing to any racer. For more info go the the live timing page for the event you are at from the images to the left and click the lap times text to your phone link towards the top of the page.